Lucy was born January 30th, 1980. Her father begged her mother not to go into labor on “the coldest night of the year,” which is naturally when Lucy decided to make her appearance. As the first of what would be three children, she took the responsibility of breaking her parents’ spirits very seriously. No one recalls what her first word was because it was in the days before baby books and social media. Motivated by this un-memorability, perhaps her future career was decided then and there. Or it could have had something to do with the hundreds of books her parents read aloud to her and her siblings. At 13, she stole her first romance novel off her mother’s bookshelf and never looked back. Lucy suffered her way through school with a combination of painful shyness and self-inflicted melodrama. Math was the bane of her existence while writing and art classes kept her GPA afloat. Unhealthily influenced by Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, the naturally nosy Lucy studied journalism in college only to realize she didn’t like the rigidity required of “just the facts.” Instead of following in Lois Lane’s footsteps, Lucy saddled herself with the most boring job she could find: Proofreader. It was the first of many adult jobs that allowed her mediocrity as an employee to truly shine. She continued to escape into the world of romance novels at every opportunity. And when the drudgery of the real world pressed too close, she occasionally jotted down scenes that popped into her head. Somewhere around 2012 (Lucy never got any better at math in adulthood), she read Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James and the idea of writing a romance novel became a fantasy to cling to while trying not to get fired from her job working for a local newspaper. The day she was laid off (at least it was with one third of the rest of the staff and technically not her own fault for once) she decided to take the opportunity of unemployment to attempt to write a novella. It turned out to be a lot harder than she thought. Writing a 35,000-word book took her an entire year, during which she also freelanced as a journalist because she still had to eat and afford health insurance. When she finally published her novella, it sold an astounding 35 copies, mostly to friends and family. Shocked that she hadn’t become an instant bestseller, Lucy locked her authoring dreams away in a moldy drawer and turned her attention to pretending to be an adult. It was during her stint in marketing that she received an email that revived the dream. Two indie authors who had started their own publishing company stumbled across Lucy’s novella (when Lucy’s brother shared a link to it in an online forum) and deemed it “not bad.” They offered to republish it for her if she would turn it into a full-length novel. After several minutes of celebratory screaming, Lucy bravely tackled the whole writer thing on nights and weekends, and in March 2015, Undercover Love was published. The modest success was enough to motivate Lucy to write another book and craft a five-year plan that involved saving a year’s salary while building up a backlist, developing a loyal following of readers, and culminating with a triumphant exit into full-time writing. Committing every non-work-related waking moment to the story percolating in her head, she wrote her second novel over the course of several months. (To this day, Lucy has never shown that level of single-minded motivation to anything besides eating tacos.) The week Pretend You’re Mine was slated for release, she was called into the conference room at work. After she joked, “Gee, I hope you guys aren’t here to fire me,” followed immediately by several seconds of uncomfortable silence, she was unceremoniously fired. Her bosses gave her until the end of the year to find a new job. Five-year plan in shambles, Lucy tearfully called Mr. Lucy with the news. “This is going to be the best thing that’s ever happened to you,” he confidently announced. Lucy, expecting at least a sliver of empathy, didn’t take him seriously and spent the next fourteen or so hours inconsolably muttering about “resumes” and “want ads.” The next morning, her second book launched on Amazon… and—thanks to luck, timing, and an advertising budget—within days clawed its way to #1 in the Amazon Kindle Store. Lucy’s status as a full-time author was (thankfully) cemented. She celebrated by immediately abandoning all drafts of her resume. In the following year, she wrote three more books before deciding to officially become an indie author. She roped Mr. Lucy into the publishing (mathing) side of the business and set about writing her face off while he learned to do all the things. In 2020, Lucy returned to the coveted #1 spot in the Amazon Kindle store with her book By a Thread. That same year, she was able to convince her brother, Dan, to give up a lifetime of khaki pants and water cooler chats to become Mr. Lucy’s right-hand man in the publishing business. Two years later, she inked a print-only deal with Bloom Books and a UK deal with Hodder & Stoughton in 2022. Her book Things We Never Got Over became the first of her titles to hit the New York Times bestseller list. Lucy became an instant #1 New York Times bestseller with the release of the next two books in the Knockemout series. In 2023, Lucy gallivanted around the globe on three book tours. Her suitcase will never be the same. At the end of the year, it was announced that Amazon MGM Studios was developing Things We Never Got Over for TV. Lucy also convinced her sister, Madison, to take a “stab” at writing and have her three-book proposal planner romcom mystery series slated for release in 2024. Lucy has sold millions of copies of her books worldwide and have been translated into 29 languages. When she’s not writing, Lucy smothers her guilt by impulse shopping, excavating the perfect butt-dent on the couch, and reading books other people wrote. She also works out regularly to prevent the couch butt-dent from getting wider. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with Mr. Lucy and their grumpy cat, Cleo.
1980: Born
1982: Was extremely confused when parents brought home baby brother.
1991: Was extremely excited when parents brought home baby sister.
1993: Won 7th grade award for Geography.
2001: Discovered Taco Bell.
2011–2015: Worked in journalism and marketing. Was not good at it.
2013 or maybe 2014: Self-published a short novella about a one-night stand. It sold 35 copies. Took the failure in undramatic stride and vowed never to write again.
2014: Was approached by a small publishing label run by two authors who said my novella didn’t suck and offered to republish it if I turned it into a novel.
March 2015: Undercover Love launches.
October 2015: I got fired from my marketing job and released my second book, Pretend You’re Mine, in the same week. Pretend You’re Mine hit #1 on Amazon (it was easier back then) and I became a full-time author.
2015–2016: Wrote and released three more books in a panic-induced haze caused by the fear of having to get a real job again.
2017: Decided to try my hand at self-publishing and convinced Mr. Lucy to give it a try with me.
2018–2020: Wrote a bunch of books that people seemed to like.
2021: Sprained ankle walking in yard.
2022: Signed a print-only deal with Bloom Books and a UK deal with Hodder Books. Hit the New York Times bestsellers list. Then hit it some more.
2023: Went on three book tours. Got a free taco when Taco Bell accidentally messed up my order. Signed a deal with Amazon MGM Studios to develop Things We Never Got Over for a TV series.