Third Time's the Charm
If you’re new to the Blue Moon series, Lucy highly recommends you give the hippie, dippy, nosy town a read! (Very intense author note: DO NOT READ THE PREQUEL FIRST. OR SECOND. OR THIRD. PROBABLY NOT EVEN FOURTH.)
In Deputy Layla Gunnarson’s experience, pounding on her front door after midnight was never a good thing. Blue Moon was a small, sleepy sort of town. Well, mostly.
There was the occasional astrological apocalypse or stink-bombing gone wrong. Not to mention a global pandemic.
Levar Burton’s soothing sleep story voice disappeared from her ears as she shoved the Bluetooth eye mask up her forehead. She squinted at her phone screen. 2:33 a.m.
“Seriously?” she rasped. She’d just gotten off an extra-long shift at midnight and dragged her ass straight to bed with the intent to sleep as long as the dogs’ bladders would allow.
The next round of thumping triggered a tentative boof from the foot of her bed, followed by a mournful howl originating in the hallway.
“Shit,” she groaned. Layla blindly stumbled out of bed, sending a cascade of four-legged friends to the floor. She slapped on lights as she made her way downstairs. Cleo the cat tried her damnedest to act as a furry tripwire on the creaky staircase but was chased off by Brutus the bulldog and ChiChi the chihuahua mix. Sinatra the beagle was already howling at the front door.
“Everybody sit down and be quiet, ” she ordered. Three dog butts hit the floor. Cleo and her arch-nemesis, Meow Meow II, ignored both commands and hissed at each other.
Still half asleep, Layla dragged on the face mask she kept on a hook just inside the front door.
She didn’t know exactly what she expected on the other side, but it certainly wasn’t all 6-feet 2-inches of Huckleberry Cullen. The man she made a point to avoid. The man who lived next door. The man she secretly spied on when he cut his lawn without a shirt on.
He was wearing a pair of low-slung sweatpants, a wrinkled t-shirt, and a smiley heart-patterned face mask. His thick blond hair stood up in every direction. She instinctively squashed the immediate desire to shove her hands into it and kiss the crap out of him.
She did a lot of repressing of desires around him.
“What the hell are you doing here?” she yawned.
“Pandemic booty call?” He dropped the gym bag on the porch floorboards.
“You already know the answer to that one. Try again,” Layla said, leaning down to tug Sinatra backwards as he butt-wiggled his way toward the visitor.
“Landlord’s orders,” Huck said, nudging the bag toward the threshold with a flip-flopped foot.
“Am I having a nightmare?” she demanded.
“Don’t tell me that me knocking on your door in the middle of the night is anything but a dream come true,” he said, shooting her a sleepy-eyed wink. His eyes were so green they reminded her of spring fields after a good rain. She’d seen them up close on two memorable occasions.
Scratch that. One occasion. The first never happened.
Layla put on her best bad-cop voice. “What are you doing on my doorstep at 2:30 in the morning, and what does Bruce Oakleigh have to do with it?”
“My carbon monoxide detector is overwrought. It won’t stop going off, and Bruce said I might go to sleep and not wake up before he could get someone out to look at it.”
“Okay. Fine. But why are you standing on my porch?”
She couldn’t see his mouth through the mask but Layla had no doubt that he was grinning at her. “Bruce volunteered your guest bedroom.”
Bruce Oakleigh, real estate agent and powdered wig aficionado, also happened to own and rent side-by-side identical clapboard cottages on Bluebell Avenue. At least, when he wasn’t scheming with the Beautification Committee into pairing off the entire town’s population.
Layla lunged for ChiChi as the dog made a break for the door. “Does this have something to do with the Beautification Committee?” she asked.
“The BC isn’t going to sneak into my house in the middle of a pandemic and make me think I’m about to succumb to a poisonous gas,” he said dryly.
Huck had only lived in Blue Moon for a few years, so Layla forgave his ridiculous innocence.
“You’re not staying here,” she said, blocking Meow Meow’s sprint for the door with her foot.
“Bruce is inclined to disagree,” he said amiably.
“You can’t be seri— BACK AWAY FROM THE DOOR, BRUTUS!” The bulldog shot her a dirty look and slunk away.
“Listen, deputy. The inn is closed. The Felderhoffs next-door have asthma and a lumpy ass couch. Everyone else I know in town is in bed. You and I can distantly coexist under the same roof for one night. I brought a container of antibacterial wipes and I’m perfectly happy to quarantine in your guest room.”
She wasn’t concerned about coexisting. Her concerns related more to the fact that whenever she and Huck were alone things happened. Stupid, sexy things. She was an officer of the law in the midst of a global crisis. She couldn’t afford to lose her head.
It was the latest in a very long line of excuses.
“Layla, I just want to go to sleep and wake up alive. I’m not going to tie you to your bed and prove to you how brilliant my command of my tongue is.”
She blinked at him. “You talk pretty dirty for a goody-two-shoes high school guidance counselor,” she observed.
Reasons Not to Show Up at Huck’s Front Door Wearing Only a Trench Coat
#5 Too much good guy. Not enough bad boy.
“First of all,” he began, his slight drawl always more noticeable when he was annoyed…or excited. “If you bothered to have an actual conversation with me, you’d know that while I may project a sterling image in my professional life, I am much, much more tarnished in real life.”
She felt her breath catch in her throat.
He pressed on. “Secondly, deputy, I feel it’s my civic duty to point out that both your lease and mine contain good neighbor clauses.”
“Oh, really? Were you being a good neighbor when you took me to arbitration?” Layla snapped.
“Thirdly,” he continued, ignoring her. “Speaking of leases, I know for a fact that Bruce Oakleigh’s tenants are limited to three pets—which most people would find quite generous unless they’re starting an illegal petting zoo.”
Layla’s gasp was muffled by her mask. “Are you blackmailing me?”
“I’m clarifying the multitudinous reasons why letting me crash in your spare room is in both our best interests.”
She was too tired to put up with his expansive vocabulary.
“One night,” she said. “No nudity.”
Shooing animals as she went, she stepped back to give him the required six feet of social distance.
“What’s the matter, deputy? Afraid you can’t control yourself around me?”
“It was a one-time stupid mistake that we agreed to never, ever mention again, Cullen.”
“Two times,” he shot back, heading toward the stairs.
“The apocalypse doesn’t count,” she called after him, but he was already disappearing to the second floor.
Reasons Not to Show Up at Huck’s Front Door Wearing Only a Trench Coat
#4 Huckleberry Cullen’s tractor beam of sexiness made her clothes fall off.
Layla’s cottage was the exact twin of his, Huck noted. Same rectangular living room that led into a small but serviceable kitchen. A dining room tucked away in the back that he used as a home office and Layla used as for actual eating. Upstairs were two shoebox-sized bedrooms with a bathroom that’s shower head was six inches too short for him to comfortably wash his hair.
Exhausted, he flung himself down on the brass bed in the second bedroom without turning on the light. Unlike his spare room that he’d decked out as a home gym, Layla’s was ready for guests. The linens on the bed smelled fresh, and he made a mental note to appreciate them in the morning when he wasn’t so damn tired.
Something made an unpleasant squeaky noise. He hoped to god it wasn’t another carbon monoxide detector.
He snapped on the bedside lamp with the fussy stained-glass shade and jumped back a good foot. His back hit the closet door and popped it off its track.
“That’s Master Splinter. He’s a rescued lab rat,” Layla called through the wall separating the bedrooms. An antique metal grate on the wall served as a low-tech intercom. “He’s friendly.”
“How haven’t you been evicted yet?” he yelled back, eyeing the white-furred rodent. Beady red eyes blinked at him.
“If you breathe a word of this, I’ll find a way to abuse my power and start fining you for every outdated infraction in the town’s bylaws,” his hostess sang.
It wasn’t the first time he’d heard the threat.
Astrological Apocalypse Flashback: October 31, 2018
“Little Red Riding Hood, a rubber chicken, and a vampire are in a Mini Cooper,” Huck muttered from the backseat of Sheriff Cardona’s girlfriend’s Mini Cooper as Eva sped into the high school parking lot. He had to work harder to form the words around his new, extra-long fangs.
“I know we sound—and look—like a rolling joke, but if we don’t get all the temporary crazies in a safe place, there may not be a Blue Moon standing tomorrow morning,” Eva insisted, yanking the parking brake.
Willa, owner of Blue Moon Boots and proud Beautification Committee member, maneuvered herself out of the passenger seat, her rubber chicken head getting stuck on the sun visor. Huck unfolded his long legs and climbed out of the car. He paused to straighten his cape.
“Oh, I get it. Cullen. Vampire,” Eva said, pointing at his fake teeth.
“When you work with middle and high schoolers, there’s a lot of Twilight references. And when your last name is the same as these beloved vampires, you get a lot of attention, especially when they find out that it annoys you. Word of advice, never make a bet with a class of eighth-graders. It’s not going to work out in your favor.” He tapped a finger to the Team Edward badge he wore on his vest.
He led them to a side door near the parking lot and fished the keys out of his pants pocket. “This is probably your best bet space-wise,” he said, letting Eva and Willa into the gymnasium. “But I don’t know how you’re going to keep all your inmates separated.”
It was a typical high school gym in the shiny floor and bleachers kind of way, but the walls were decked out in a psychedelic rainbow mural. Under the digital scoreboard was a mural depicting the meeting of the Blue Moon farming community and the wandering hippies that arrived in 1969 after getting lost leaving Woodstock.
Eva chewed on her lip for a beat. “Okay. I think we can make this work. Edward—I mean, Huck—can you get us some tape? And Willa, do you know where the art studio is?”
“Of course, I do. I spent many a happy day molding vegan clay and painting unicorn figurines there,” Willa announced, looking just a little crazy-eyed.
Huck had initially thought the whole astrological apocalypse thing was a joke. And then he’d had a front-row seat to watch the entire town unhinge. His neighbors weren’t what he’d call “normal,” but they’d taken abnormal to new heights. Customers were brawling in the used bookstore. The elderly were streaking through One Love Park. The hippies who normally did the streaking were wearing prom gowns to the grocery store. Joey Pierce got bangs.
To add insult to injury, Uranus’s retrograde or whatever the hell it was was peaking tonight on Halloween, which just so happened to occur during a full moon.
“Uh, great?” Eva said to Willa. “Can you go make some signs? Something that will enhance the prison experience?”
“I’d love to!” Willa skipped away, her hair flowing out behind her as her costume made rubber squeaking noises.
“Signs to enhance the prison experience?” Huck asked.
“Anything to keep her out of trouble and out of the hair salon,” Eva sighed.
“Right, the free perms. I was thinking maybe I should try a new look,” Huck joked, shoving his hand through his shellacked vampire hair.
“Kidding. Sorry. It’s been a long month. Hard not to just give up and join the insanity.”
“I know the feeling. Now, go find some colored tape. A lot of it.”
Huck gave his cape a dramatic swirl. “Your vish is my command, muahahahahah.”
“The next time Uranus, Halloween, and a full moon line up, remind me to get my ass out of town,” Deputy Layla Gunnarson said as she tossed an industrial-sized package of goat cheese at him.
It wasn’t just that he was a sucker for a girl in uniform. Layla was a bombshell blonde on the outside and a snarky, dry-witted ball-buster inside. Exactly the type of woman he’d be happy settling down and having lots of sex with.
Unfortunately, he hadn’t had any luck getting her to give him the time of day since he’d laid eyes on her at his first town meeting.
But he didn’t mind being patient.
It was just after 4 a.m. on November 1 and fifty-seven Mooners were incarcerated within taped off “cells” on the gymnasium floor. The now mohawked Sheriff Cardona had to leave on urgent business and left Layla and Huck in charge of the prisoners.
The apocalypse had “allegedly” ended at midnight according to Blue Moon’s resident astrologist. But sunrise seemed to be the “official” finish line. All they had to do was get through the next two hours or so without doing anything crazy.
“Do you see any bread around here?” Layla asked him as she surveyed the contents of the refrigerator’s bottom shelf.
They were foraging in the school’s cafeteria while Phoebe and Franklin Merill watched over the snoring captives.
“I know where we can find some,” Huck said, trying to not stare too hard at just how well those uniform pants fit over the curves of her ass. Something odd was happening to him. Something tingly and tempting.
“Are you staring at my ass, Mr. Guidance Counselor?” Layla demanded.
“Uh. No,” he lied.
She straightened and flashed him the “yeah right” eyebrow quirk. “Show me where this bread is. And if there’s coffee near it, I’ll let you drink some out of my belly button.”
He dropped the log of goat cheese on the floor. “Uh. Huh?” Huck prided himself on his verbosity. His skills were known far and wide. He could de-escalate shoving matches between hormonal teenage boys. He’d been known to charm grumpy grannies into offering him homemade cookies. And if he weren’t such a gentleman, he’d have fessed up to the number of pairs of pants he’d flirted off of women.
The words “uh” and “huh” had never once been part of his romantic dialogue. He blamed exhaustion.
Still worrying that the apocalypse had somehow robbed him of his charm and wondering if Layla was serious about the whole belly button thing, Huck led the way to the faculty lounge. Every once in a while, it still struck him as sublimely funny that Huckleberry Cullen, the after-school detention record holder in his senior class, was an actual authority figure to the next generation of high school delinquents.
“There’s some pantry staples in that cabinet over there,” he said. “And the coffeemaker’s—” He turned around and nearly ran her down.
She was standing way too close to him. Not that he was complaining. She was tall and long-legged. And curvy like a goddess.
“Wait. Hang on, Layla,” he said, holding up his hands. She walked into him, lining up her gentlemanly concern-suppressing breasts with his palms.
“I. Uh. Um.” Breasts. Two soft, perfect, large breasts. Yippy!
Still pressing her chest into his hands, Layla unclipped her uniform tie and threw it over her shoulder.
He’d had no idea how sexy clip-on ties could be.
“You were saying?” Her voice was husky, like she was sharing a salacious secret.
“I— I— I… Um. Uranus!”
She blinked. “I didn’t think guidance counselors were into that.”
“Not ‘your anus.’ Uranus. As in the apocalypse,” Huck blurted out.
Layla reached up and tugged a hairpin free and then another one. When she shook out her glossy blond locks, Huck’s vision tunneled.
He clamped his hands on her arms. “Layla, I don’t think we should doooooo—”
She cupped a hand to his crotch. His unmistakably aroused crotch.
It felt like the rightest thing that had ever happened to him. “Uhhhhh.”
“Do you want to have sex with me, Huck?” she asked, her lips a whisper away from his mouth.
“Yes. Very much so.”
She cleverly opened his belt.
“Are you sure you’re not going to have regrets? That this isn’t some side effect of the apocaLYPSE!” He yelped the last syllable because the deputy’s dexterous fingers wrapped around his throbbing shaft.
“I’ve had my eye on you for a long time,” she said, running her tongue over her lower lip. “Maybe I’m tired of keeping my distance.”
“Oh, thank god,” he breathed, shoving his hands into her hair.
“Keep the cape on,” she ordered.
Dawn was just breaking outside the lone window of the faculty room. Despite the fact that he hadn’t had a grilled goat cheese sandwich or a gallon of coffee, Huck felt sated and wide-awake underneath the room’s table.
Layla stirred in his arms and began to trace her fingers over his bare chest.
“Good morning,” he said, nuzzling into her hair.
“Mmm,” she grunted.
“Happy Day After the Apocalypse,” he said.
“About that,” she said, lifting up on an elbow to study him.
“We should go to dinner tonight,” he said. “How do you feel about Italian?” He could probably scrounge up a bottle of decent wine. Maybe he could get takeout, and they could eat at home. Homes usually had beds.
“Listen, Huck. This never happened. Okay? Let’s call this our perm. We both succumbed—succame?—to the apocalypse. As far as I’m concerned, we never need to speak of this again.”
His fantasies of bed sex came to a record-scratching halt.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“Look. No offense. It was fun. But it was a huge mistake.” She wriggled out from under the table and started pulling on articles of clothing.
“Sex with me was a huge mistake?” he repeated. His ego required immediate repair.
She leaned down and patted his cheek. “A fun, huge mistake. One we’ll never make again. And if you breathe a word of this, if the Beautification Committee catches wind that we hooked up, I swear to you I’ll pull you over for speeding while you walk down the street.”
The next morning, as Layla took her menagerie out for its first pee and play break of the day, she congratulated herself on not tearing off her pajamas and climbing into her own guest bed with Huck.
See? She could be in the man’s vicinity and not start the orgasm countdown clock. Layla was not her mother. Sure. She’d had sex with Huck. But that didn’t mean she needed to hurl herself headfirst into a sweaty, ill-advised affair.
She picked up the soggy tennis ball Brutus spit out at her feet and gave it another toss. He trotted after it and then gave lazy chase when Sinatra grabbed it first.
It was moments like this, when the morning sun filtered gently through new leaves, when the azalea along the fence was heavy with buds that promised spring color, that she could momentarily forget. COVID-19 was such an innocuous name for something that had managed to change the entire world.
She thought about the grandparents who had yet to meet their brand-new grandbabies. The high school seniors who missed out on their last year of spring sports, their proms, their graduations. Rites of passages earned and then derailed. She thought of the families who not only lost loved ones but couldn’t be there in the end to say their good-byes. The health care workers who stepped in to be a surrogate family for scared, lonely patients while missing out on key moments with their own families.
Blonde, fussy ChiChi pranced by, a pink chew toy clutched proudly in her tiny mouth.
There were other side effects, too. Silver linings of a world united in one cause. People showed their true selves in times of strife. As a cop, Layla knew that better than anyone. And while there were assholes—there would always be assholes—there were far more everyday heroes than shitheads.
Because for every faded spray-tanned Ruth Kelkner who spent her days demanding the state rise up against the “tyranny” of the government after her second boob job got rescheduled, there was a Pete McDougall who cracked open his savings account and drove his Karma Kustard truck around Blue Moon every Tuesday to give out free custard.
There was a teenage Evan Decker who organized a crew of his classmates to mow the lawns of Blue Moon’s elderly and essential workers.
There was a Lavender Fullmer of the Take Two Movie Theater who created a drive-in theater in the high school parking lot every Saturday night.
There were the Moodys who had started a new kind of ding-dong ditch by leaving sanitized care packages at the doors of neighbors who needed a little pick-me-up.
There was an Aurora Decker who enlisted her entire class to hand draw cards for nursing home patients who could no longer have visitors.
The consistency of the good vibes never wavered in Blue Moon.
It was what had made her stay in this little town. After a childhood of moving from house to house to house while her mother fell in love with a new man every few months, she couldn’t imagine leaving the consistency, the dependable goodness behind. At twelve, she’d put her tennis-shoed foot down. She’d informed her mother that no, they would not be moving again. That she was going to graduate from Blue Moon High School and that her mother was just going to have to plant some shallow roots for the next six years.
To her credit, Velma Gunnarson had done it. And she hadn’t complained…much. They’d rooted together and fumbled their way through the next six years. The day after Layla’s high school graduation, Velma had packed herself and a few boxes and suitcases into her ancient station wagon and driven off in search of her next adventure, her next love affair, her duty fulfilled.
As for Layla? Well, with her appreciation of order, she decided to dedicate her life to ensuring it for others and went off to college to major in criminal justice.
Her badge still hadn’t lost its shine.
Sinatra the beagle drew Layla’s attention with a mournful, half-assed howl from the back porch. His sad brown eyes informed her he was wasting away without his breakfast.
“Okay. Fine. Come on, gang,” Layla said to the rest of the dogs and cat. “Pouncer, you can stay out for a while,” she told the fluffy gray rabbit that was trying to hide its bulk behind the scraggly crop of tulips.
She opened the door and waited for the stampede of pets to enter first.
When she stepped into her sunny little kitchen, the screen door hit her in the ass. Her overnight guest was blindly rummaging in the mug cabinet.
She stayed where she was, making sure to maintain a safe distance for both viral and hormonal reasons.
“Morning,” she said, trying not to stare at the tattoo on his ribs. He’d gotten it sometime after their apocalypse sex, and she’d had a low-key obsession with figuring out what the design was since she first spotted it last summer while she had most definitely not been spying on him mowing shirtless.
Good-guy guidance counselors weren’t supposed to have ink.